2024-2025 Band Booster Officers

Executive Board

President - Michael Zumwalt
1st VP - Gina Horne
2nd VP - Jennifer Stephan
Treasurer - Terri Esber
Asst Treasurer - Cristina Wells
Secretary - Christine Benco
Uniform Committee Chair - Sheyenne Uhlir

For questions regarding fees: beesbandfees@gmail.com

All other booster-related inquiries: beesbandboosterpresident@gmail.com

Welcome to the BBHHS Band Boosters

The BBHHS Band program has a booster organization that is made up of the parents of current band students, and it is an active volunteer group that assists the band program with needs that are not funded or supported by the school system such as chaperoning, fundraising, plus many other activities.

We consider all band families as part of the Boosters. Being active is a great way to be involved in your student’s band experience. We would like to invite you to become an active participant.

Be on the lookout for the monthly meeting schedule and volunteer opportunities

Band Booster
Patron Form

Patrons who donate at least $25 will have their names printed in the concert and athletic programs for the calendar year.

Patron donations are very important to the marching and concert band programs. Check to see if your company has a matching funds program.

The BBHHS Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, Tax ID 23-7176418.

Click here for the form

BBHHS Band Booster Lifetime Membership

Please consider signing up your graduating child and/or your family for Brecksville-Broadview Heights Band Lifetime Membership Endowment Fund.

This one-time payment registers you permanently in our Endowment Fund. Many parents give this to their child as a graduation gift during senior year of high school, and many families also sign up either during their child’s or grandchild’s band years or upon their graduation.

Here is the link for this form

Band Booster Fee Payment

Submit your Band Booster Fee online!  Please note, a small amount has been added to cover the expense of the credit card transaction via PayPal.  Also note - you do not need to have a PayPal account to pay online!  When you click "Buy Now," you will have the option of either paying with a PayPal account, or via credit card, without creating an account.

Here is the link to pay for your fees online

Important Forms

Here are the important forms for the BBHHS Band Boosters

Chairperson Directory

Current directory of all of the Booster Committees and Officers

Current list of the BBHHS Band Booster Officers and Chairpersons

Check Request Form

Please use this form for requesting a check from the BBHHS Band Boosters

Deposit Slip Form

Please use this form for all deposit slips for the year

Band Booster Chaperone Guidelines

Here is the Band Chaperone Guideline for Home and Away games

Band Booster Minutes

Here are the minutes for the Band Booster meetings.